18. October 2022 at 19:00

News digest: Lawmakers' resit results in condemning Tepláreň Bar shooting

A Slovak-Yemeni Muslim recounts her story, this year's budget increasing by €1.5 billion.

Peter Dlhopolec


(source: SME.sk / Hej,ty)
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Good evening. The Tuesday, October 18 edition of Today in Slovakia is ready with the main news of the day in less than five minutes.

MPs condemn Tepláreň Bar shooting

MPs in the debating chamber. MPs in the debating chamber. (source: Jaroslav Novák)

When last summer a group of coalition MPs wanted to condemn hatred against minorities, including the LGBT+ community, their attempt failed.

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Parliament rejected their resolution a few weeks later.

Following the Bratislava shooting outside a well-known LGBT+ venue last week, most MPs have changed their mind and have stood up for minorities and condemned all attacks on them.

Today's resolution was adopted by 119 of 130 MPs present in the debating chamber.

Extremism: Slovakia's intelligence service has arrested an extremist mentioned by a manifesto published by the Bratislava gunman who shot two LGBT+ people dead.

Investigation: The Bratislava shooting is now considered an act of terrorism, which may have an impact on the Bratislava gunman's parents.

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YouTube: On Tuesday, the notorious far-right politician Marian Kotleba (ĽSNS) released a YouTube video in which he interviews the dead Bratislava gunman's father, Juraj Krajčík. The father thinks someone must have manipulated his son into the murders. Kotleba claimed someone may have executed the gunman, adding that the whole case is an intelligence game. The police will investigate the interview.

More stories from The Slovak Spectator website

  • Business: A Slovak firm beats foreign brands and tops the list of shampoo sellers in the country.

  • Travel:Železník, a former mining settlement in central Slovakia, is returning to life as a tourist attraction.

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When even a modest swimming costume is enough to cause problems

Salma Al Henami with her friend Paulína. Salma Al Henami with her friend Paulína. (source: [fjúžn] festival/Kvet Nguyen)

Being Muslim in Slovakia is challenging. A Yemeni Slovak, Salma Al Henami, tells her story and would like people to acknowledge the Muslims who live in Slovakia.


  • Parliament approved an amendment to the law on thirteenth pensions on October 18. Pensioners will receive an extra pension in December, not in November. The state will send them 70 percent of what they received in July. Those with the lowest pensions will receive €210.

  • Referring to the murder of two people in Bratislava, European Parliament President Metsola said the LGBT+ community must be safe and that the Parliament will keep fighting for this. MEPs will vote on a resolution condemning hate crimes against the community across Europe on Thursday.

  • The French fashion firm JOTT has entered the Slovak market. Its first shop can be found in the Aupark shopping mall in Bratislava.

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The iconic Istropolis building in the wider Bratislava centre is being demolished on October 18, 2022. The iconic Istropolis building in the wider Bratislava centre is being demolished on October 18, 2022. (source: TASR - Michal Svítok)
  • Parliament approved an increase in this year's budget by €1.5 billion, which the SaS party had previously blocked.

  • A planned series of exercises called European Shield is starting in several training areas and facilities of the Slovak Armed Forces.

  • The innovative oncology drugs Kyprolis, Alunbrig, Keytruda and Phesgo will be reimbursed by public health insurance.

If you have suggestions on how this news overview can be improved, you can reach us at editorial@spectator.sk.

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